Can Physiotherapy Help Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms? Exploring the Benefits… Physiotherapy can play a significant role in alleviating menopausal symptoms. Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life that brings about a variety of physical and emotional changes due to hormonal fluctuations. These changes can lead to symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, moodContinue Reading »
"Almost Daily Health Tips From Expert Physiotherapist Brid Walsh..."
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Getting you garden ready for winter
Tips On Avoiding and Easing Your Pain from Gardening this Autmn Autumn has dramatic effects on our gardens and give many of us much to do! Gardening however, is a great way to get outside, enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and increase your physical activity. Below are some tips to help you get safelyContinue Reading »
Autumn is nearly here and so is our new Pilates classes timetable. Below is a full list of available classes. We really do have a class suitable for everyone, ranging from seated rehab classes to strength and conditioning pilates. Don’t forget VIP members get access to ALL pilates classes online and 2 in clinic classesContinue Reading »
June Newsletter 2024
The Alba Gazette -Your monthly Newsletter Pilates Outreach Classes We are delighted to now be carrying out 2 clinics a week out with the clinic. Our Golfers Pilates classes at Inverness Golf Club were so successful that in addition to booking a second term, they also doubled the number of classes per week! Members areContinue Reading »
How to help your arthritic dog at home
How to help your Arthritic dog at home It can be hard to manage your dog’s day to day life and we know there is no such thing as perfect, but we can make some great adaptations to our homes to make them safer and easier to navigate for our friends living with OA.! It’sContinue Reading »
What is Canine Arthritis?
What is Canine Arthritis (Osteoarthritis) You may have heard of Canine Arthritis, also known as canine osteoarthritis, but what actually is it? Osteoarthritis (OA) is when the ends of bones rub against each other causing friction and pain. This is because the cartilage that normally covers the ends of bone has worn away and theContinue Reading »
April Newsletter 2024
The Alba Gazette -Your monthly Newsletter Location, Location, Location… Continuing with our location theme from last month, we are delighted to say that May will see us offering outreach appointments again across the Highlands with our veterinary treatments. Our regular monthly clinic in Skye will be returning next month. Get in touch if you wouldContinue Reading »
Knee Pain – Top tips from a physiotherapist
Are you suffering from knee pain? Here are some great tips from our physiotherapists! If you are suffering from knee pain don’t wait! The waiting game doesn’t work in a huge majority of cases. You’ve heard of the phrase ‘motion is lotion’, the knee is no exception. It needs to move, as well as moveContinue Reading »
Knee arthritis… End of the road or the start of a new journey?
Knee arthritis… End of the road or the start of a new journey? So many times we hear patients develop ongoing and worsening knee issues including knee arthritis. Some stop walking, meeting friends, even going out in public. Activity, losing weight or even feeling better with exercise is not an option for them. AContinue Reading »
March Newsletter 2024
The Alba Gazette -Your monthly Newsletter Location, Location, Location… Alba Physiotherapy has been out on the road! We have had a great time out on the road on location. We had the privilege of attending a meeting at a local church group where Claude gave a talk on the benefits of Pilates. Naturally, when theContinue Reading »