Being active and fit - Alba Physiotherapy can help you achieve your goals

About Alba Physiotherapy

We Help People Get Back to Being Active and Fit, Live Without Painkillers and the Fear of Re-Injuring and to Return to Their Normal Day to Day Life That They Love

Click Play to Hear from Brid Walsh of Alba Physiotherapy About How This Physiotherapy Clinic Can Help You Get Back To Being Active And Fit...

Pain, sadly is something which affects a huge number of people, especially in their 40s 50s, and 60s. Many of our patients tell us that they initially hoped the pain would just go away by itself. It was only supposed to have been caused by something small! For example because they ‘slept funny’, or that it’s just ‘one of those spasms you get at your age’ and that everyone suffers from them.

Unfortunately, they quickly find themselves in the position that it just didn’t seem to be shifting and repeatedly feel like ‘it could strike at any time’, and what is worse….’for no obvious reason’ which rapidly makes it an issue that you struggle to protect! Most people often find themselves 6 months (and More) later learning to ‘just live with it’. Just dreaming of being active and fit again. It becomes part of your routine to avoid certain activities that you would normally have not thought twice about. Quite often patients describe a life where the sacrifice doing something they love, is a week of increased pain. 

Using Pain Killers...

We also know that using pain killers to dull the pain over time has side effects, and their pain relief affects tend to just ‘wear off’. The sad reality is that they often just work on the pain signal itself not changing what's really going on.

Many of our patients tell us how they often feel confused and sceptical as not only have they tried several things. They have also spent time trudging through the abundance of information that’s out there. Added to the fact that you will have been told different things, by different people. Unfortunately, not all of it is either TRUE or HELPFUL and patients are no further forward.

Does that Sound Like You?

Do You Ever Feel This Way?

If You’re Currently living with and Suffering From Pain, go through this quick check list to see if any of these reasons are causing your Pain to last longer:

Physiotherapy is the Right Step For You if:

  • You thought and hoped it would just go away on its own
  • You have gone to the Doctors and have tried Rest and taking the painkillers! However, it’s hard to rest and although the pain killers helped for a short while, your pain was just as bad when they wore off and it struck again. Added to that, they just made you feel horrible so you couldn’t keep taking them all the time.
  • A friend, family member or even a therapist told you that EVERYBODY gets Pain, especially when you are ‘getting older’. You should do what they did, just accept it and get on with it. Maybe you even started to feel ‘invisible’ to the medical profession
  • You have tried other sports Therapists, Physios, and complimentary techniques but nothing they could do or advise seems to help.
  • Have tried exercises from the internet and even tried going to a personal trainer, but those exercises made your pain worse.
  • You tried to rest as you hadn’t really been able to give that a proper go when you were told to initially. It ended up making you even more stiff and more tight!!
  • You’ve tried a few ‘massages’, some very painful and some relaxing- all of which you thought should help as ‘no pain no gain’…. but they didn’t do anything to fix it in the long term

We Understand...

We understand it can be really confusing as to what to do next. Making the right decision puts a lot of pressure on people to choose something that is actually going to help. If that sounds like you, why not apply for a free Discover session with one of our specialist physios to discuss your problems, and find out if physio is the right thing for you. No obligation to further treatment. We want to help you decide on the right course of action for your problem. Simply fill out a short form below and tell us a bit more about your problem so we can answer your questions:

Speak with a Physio

We also like to offer the option to people to chat with one of our specialist physiotherapists. You may not be ready for a full Assessment and Treatment and may want to find out more about the cost and availability before you book. Many people would like some Help to Decide if coming to Physio is the right thing for you. We will chat through your issues and often give advice and tips to help get you started. Again, this is FREE of charge with no obligation for further treatment. We want to help you decide to find out the best course of action for you to tackle your problem. Simply fill out a short form below to tell us a bit more about your problem so we can get your questions answered:

About Brid Walsh

Brid has been a Chartered Physiotherapist for over 11 years. Before that, she was a sports scientist and fitness instructor. She fell in love with the Highlands and was delighted to be the founder of Alba physiotherapy.

Meet the Alba Physio Team»

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