Is Poor Posture Contributing to Your Back Pain? - Alba Physiotherapy
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Is Poor Posture Contributing to Your Back Pain?

Poor Posture

The answer is quite possibly yes!

So what does poor posture look like or what exactly does that mean?

Our bodies have been designed in such a way, that when all the joints and bones line up in a particular way, they should be in a great alignment. There are natural curves of the spine which are designed that way to make the body strong.

You should feel great, you should look in a good position, and in general the body should be in a strong position to take on daily life. And I mean a daily life doing normal things without having to worry about tight muscles, stiffness, pain, or having to take painkillers to get through the day!

As we go through life, we tend to pick up bad habits. Bad habits that can be as a result of things we do in life from being children to adults, work, sitting, lifting, hobbies, sports we play or have played, things we do about the house on a regular basis and even from previous injuries. It just happens to us without us actually realizing it!

The result, poor posture, means that our body is not in this great alignment, meaning that there is stress and strain on different parts of our bodies. These different parts of our bodies are different for every single one of us.

One of the most common places of pain happens to be the lower back. The body is only as strong as the weakest link. The lower back links the upper body to the lower body, hence it is one of those common places of pain.

We could go on and write about poor posture for quite some time, but to give you a few pointers as to what exactly to look for, then these next few points should give you an idea:-

  • Rounded shoulders
  • Poking chin
  • Pelvis tipping forward
  •  Pot belly
  • Head tilted to the side

These are only a few things that may suggest poor posture. Remember as human beings we are all different from one another. However, these are the things that lead to poor posture and back pain.

Now if you have back pain, or know someone who has back pain, these may be things to look out for and possibly change to help alleviate pain. Remember if you are missing out from doing something at work, gardening, playing with children/grandchildren or even just confined to your house, then there is most likely an element of poor posture contributing to your problem.

With that all said, what can be done about poor posture? My advice to you is change!

How or what can you change? I don’t know how to change, what do I do now? Again, these are very common questions we get asked at the clinic.

Now, my advice is let me help you! We deal with this problem every day. We’ve helped 1000’s of people with poor posture, change their habits and help them back to a lifestyle they are very happy with.

Hands on physiotherapy, will help to loosen tight muscles and free up stiff joints. Corrective exercises will help to beat old habits and strengthen the muscles to maintain better posture.

You can change, and we can help!

If you would like any further information about easy ways to ease back pain then please call the clinic on 01463 240597 or 01463 240 597, or check out our free report below:

Brid Walsh

Brid Walsh

Brid qualified in 2004 with a BSC Honours Degree in Sports and Exercise Science from the University of Limerick, Ireland. In evaluating her future path, she spent a summer in Alaska with the Hope Foundation supporting disabilities of various sorts. Her further work experience in the Rehabilitation Centre in Dun Laoghaire, Dublin convinced her that Physiotherapy was the direction she wished to specialise in. In 2007 she subsequently qualified from the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen with an MSC in Physiotherapy.
Brid Walsh

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