Tips On Avoiding and Easing Your Pain from Gardening this Autmn Autumn has dramatic effects on our gardens and give many of us much to do! Gardening however, is a great way to get outside, enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and increase your physical activity. Below are some tips to help you get safelyContinue Reading »
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Category: Back Pain
Will Massage Help Back Pain?
Back pain is one of the most common conditions we see in the clinic. It can interfere with many ordinary activities, and people routinely use pain medication, hydrotherapy, exercise, Pilates and heat packs for relief. Massage is another option. Most people report that massage brings relief, and some doctors still recommend this to back painContinue Reading »
Top Tips To Help You Manage Your Back Pain
Hands up if you have had back pain. Here at Alba Physiotherapy our most common condition seen is back pain. Back Pain is experienced by over 80% of us during our lifetime. As time passes we are getting a greater understanding of the dos and donts of back pain and some of the evidence may be surprising. This articleContinue Reading »
Is Poor Posture Contributing to Your Back Pain?
The answer is quite possibly yes! So what does poor posture look like or what exactly does that mean? Our bodies have been designed in such a way, that when all the joints and bones line up in a particular way, they should be in a great alignment. There are natural curves of the spine which areContinue Reading »
Is Your Sore Back Getting You Down?
If you’ve ever had a sore lower back, you’re not alone! Around 80% of people in the United Kingdom will be affected by lower back pain at some point in their lives. Symptoms can range from a dull ache to a stabbing or shooting sensation. Lower back pain is extremely common, but it doesn’t just affectContinue Reading »
Three Common Back Pain Myths
Low back pain is one of the most common conditions treated by physiotherapists and if you are unlucky enough to have been a sufferer, you know that severe back pain can take over your life. With improved understanding, health professionals have come to identify some common myths about back pain that are inaccurate, misleading orContinue Reading »