Tips On Avoiding and Easing Your Pain from Gardening this Autmn Autumn has dramatic effects on our gardens and give many of us much to do! Gardening however, is a great way to get outside, enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and increase your physical activity. Below are some tips to help you get safelyContinue Reading »
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Category: Knee Pain
Knee Pain – Top tips from a physiotherapist
Are you suffering from knee pain? Here are some great tips from our physiotherapists! If you are suffering from knee pain don’t wait! The waiting game doesn’t work in a huge majority of cases. You’ve heard of the phrase ‘motion is lotion’, the knee is no exception. It needs to move, as well as moveContinue Reading »
Knee arthritis… End of the road or the start of a new journey?
Knee arthritis… End of the road or the start of a new journey? So many times we hear patients develop ongoing and worsening knee issues including knee arthritis. Some stop walking, meeting friends, even going out in public. Activity, losing weight or even feeling better with exercise is not an option for them. AContinue Reading »
Some Myth Busting About Knees!!!
This Month we wanted to do some Myth busting about knees!!! We have been really enjoying the responses from our Keep on Moving Program and so, we thought we would share some of the things patients have been told down through the years……Why not check it out and see if you can find any thatContinue Reading »