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Brid Walsh Health Tips

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Start the year with on a positive note

It is fair to say that January has the potential to be a gloomy time of year. Christmas cheer has come and gone, we are back at work and outside it is rather dark, grey and wet. The start of the new year doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom! It can actually beContinue Reading »

A Class for Everyone

Pilates and exercise classes are a great way to improve your overall fitness level, regardless of your current abilities. Our classes offer a variety of workouts, designed to meet the needs of everyone from beginners to advanced athletes. If you’re new to Pilates or exercise, there are classes that focus on building strength and flexibility,Continue Reading »

It’s all in the Technique

It’s all in the Technique

It’s all in the Technique…. For anyone who has been to our clinic, I’m sure you’ve heard at least one of the physios preach about technique and the importance of moving properly. You may be wondering what the difference is between such a small and seemingly insignificant movement when performing the exercises; but the truthContinue Reading »

The impact of cold weather on dogs

The impact of cold weather on dogs

The impact of cold weather on dogs and how to deal with it  Have you found yourself feeling stiff and achy in the recent cold damp weather and wanting to stay wrapped up in your warm bed? It is not your imagination the aches and stiffness are real! And chances are your dog feels theContinue Reading »

Winter Walking for Horses 

Winter Walking for Horses 

Winter Walking for Horses  It is that time of year again and now that the colder weather is here we are all having to remember how to deal with it. Horses need to be exercised even when we all feel like we should be hibernating. It’s this time of year you start to question whyContinue Reading »

Helping Your Dog Enjoy the Festive Season Safely

Helping Your Dog Enjoy the Festive Season Safely

How to help your pet over the festive period and what festive favourites should your dog avoid? Christmas can be a stressful time for dog’s.  40% of owners notice a difference in their dog’s mood and 25% report behavioural changes at Christmas time. This can be attributed to disrupted routines, lots of new people andContinue Reading »

Virtual Physiotherapy and Pilates… Discover How You Can End Pain, Feel Better AND Be Treated From the Comfort of Your Own Home… Anywhere in the Whole World!

Virtual Physiotherapy and Pilates… Discover How You Can End Pain, Feel Better AND Be Treated From the Comfort of Your Own Home… Anywhere in the Whole World!

With a shift in recent events, Alba Physiotherapy found itself igniting our virtual sessions for our patients. We are no stranger to virtual sessions in the Highlands of Scotland due to the sheer distance some folk needed to travel to come and see us. We have often used our virtual sessions to help people. So,Continue Reading »

Will Massage Help Back Pain?

Will Massage Help Back Pain?

Back pain is one of the most common conditions we see in the clinic. It can interfere with many ordinary activities, and people routinely use pain medication, hydrotherapy, exercise, Pilates and heat packs for relief. Massage is another option. Most people report that massage brings relief, and some doctors still recommend this to back painContinue Reading »

Top Tips To Help You Manage Your Back Pain

Top Tips To Help You Manage Your Back Pain

Hands up if you have had back pain. Here at Alba Physiotherapy our most common condition seen is back pain. Back Pain is experienced by over 80% of us during our lifetime. As time passes we are getting a greater understanding of the dos and donts of back pain and some of the evidence may be surprising. This articleContinue Reading »

Is Poor Posture Contributing to Your Back Pain?

Is Poor Posture Contributing to Your Back Pain?

The answer is quite possibly yes! So what does poor posture look like or what exactly does that mean? Our bodies have been designed in such a way, that when all the joints and bones line up in a particular way, they should be in a great alignment. There are natural curves of the spine which areContinue Reading »

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