Each week we see at least 5 new patients who feel they are doing all they can to get back to fitness but through one thing or another they keep hitting a wall. This week I spoke with a lady, lets call her Joan, who had been going to the gym, following advice for overContinue Reading »
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Helping Your Good Old Dog Navigate Ageing
If you have looked at your dog and thought they have aged on you and have a feeling of being a bit helpless to the inevitable, then read on! You’re not alone. Almost every day we get calls from owners who are keen to find out if there is something more they can do toContinue Reading »
kick Start This March by Getting the Bodies all Ship Shape
So we thought we would kick start this March by getting the bodies all ship shape to spring into the better weather (Whenever it comes!). We are really excited to join the global movement to celebrate Pilates and all its benefits. Joesph Pilates has said “You will feel better in ten sessions, look better inContinue Reading »
Is Your Sore Back Getting You Down?
If you’ve ever had a sore lower back, you’re not alone! Around 80% of people in the United Kingdom will be affected by lower back pain at some point in their lives. Symptoms can range from a dull ache to a stabbing or shooting sensation. Lower back pain is extremely common, but it doesn’t just affectContinue Reading »
Some Myth Busting About Knees!!!
This Month we wanted to do some Myth busting about knees!!! We have been really enjoying the responses from our Keep on Moving Program and so, we thought we would share some of the things patients have been told down through the years……Why not check it out and see if you can find any thatContinue Reading »
What Are the Key Must-Knows Before You Apply for a Physiotherapy Job?
I’ve just finished speaking with a group of final year physiotherapy students about working in private practice. It was a Friday afternoon and you could feel the amount of brain power that was being used in the group. Consumed with final year coursework deadlines along with trying to get into the right head space toContinue Reading »
Want to Get on the Right Career Path for Working With Animals and Not Sure How to Do It?…
Recently, we held interviews for a physiotherapy position. Throughout the course of our interview process I got to really chat with a great bunch of people from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences and qualifications. Although the experience was varied, the common denominator was a mutual passion for working with animals, a desire to reallyContinue Reading »
The Four Biggest Mistakes You Can Make After A Muscle Tear
Our muscles play an important role in the movement of our body. Without our muscles, we wouldn’t be able to bend our elbow or straighten our leg. As our muscles are soft and designed for flexibility, they are also prone to injury and if you have ever had a muscle tear, you know that theyContinue Reading »
Three Common Back Pain Myths
Low back pain is one of the most common conditions treated by physiotherapists and if you are unlucky enough to have been a sufferer, you know that severe back pain can take over your life. With improved understanding, health professionals have come to identify some common myths about back pain that are inaccurate, misleading orContinue Reading »
Four Tips For Avoiding Injuries While Exercising
Being active is one the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle and there are many different ways to get your heart rate up. No matter what your choice of activity is, there is always some fear of re-injuring. In this article, we have listed some tips from physiotherapists to help you prevent accidents andContinue Reading »